如有任何疑问 能联络本人 msn;soon5387@hotmail.com
百岁高僧龙婆恩 亲自监督的泽度金泽度金功能;诚心佩戴jatukam(泽度金)者 会得到jatukam 庇佑健康好运,事业顺利,人缘,平安,逢凶化吉,是个全功能的佛牌。
据说经过龙婆恩 加持过的圣物效果都非常的好
bro, is this jatukam still available ? how much it would be including postage ? pls pm me or send me a mail wilson_low1112@hotmail.com thx...
bro, is this jatukam still available ? how much it would be including postage ? pls pm me or send me a mail wilson_low1112@hotmail.com thx...